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HideControlsOnResize Property

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Returns or sets a value that determines whether the form's controls should be made invisible when the form is resized.





object.HideControlsOnResize [=boolean]


Where object evaluates to an ActiveResize control.



The settings for boolean are:



TrueSpecifies that the form controls should be made invisible when the form is resized.
False(Default). Specifies that the form controls should not be made invisible when the form is resized.




By default, this property is set to False. You may set it to True if your form contains a very large number of controls or it contains such controls as Sheridan (Infragistics) grid controls (SSDBGrid, SSOleDBGrid, etc.).


Setting this property to True may greatly boost the resize process speed in some cases, especially when using such controls as Sheridan grids, since these grids refreshes every cell when the grid size is changes while the grid is visible.


By setting this property to True, the controls are made invisible while resizing the form. However, the user of your application will not notice any change in the controls visibility since this operation is executed very fast.


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